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Clemson, Greenwood Genetic Center Awarded $5.6M to Expand Research

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Self Regional Healthcare is awarding $5.6 million to support research at the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics and the Greenwood Genetic Center, the partners announced today.

The gift, to be provided during a three-year period, comprises an initial $2 million to the Clemson center and a subsequent $3.6 million to support research in genetics and human diagnostics being conducted at the Greenwood Genetic Center campus.

The Greenwood Genetic Center serves as the department of medical genetics for Self Regional, a hospital located in Greenwood, SC.

Clemson's research includes work in human diagnostics and epigenetic therapeutics to advance personalized medicine for intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, immune disorders, and nervous system ailments, the partners said, adding specific research will include molecular diagnostics, computational and systems biology, bioinformatics, and therapeutics.

Self Regional will support hospital-based clinical trials and collaborate in "designated research activities."

"Today's announcement will create a new pipeline for genetic research," John Pillman, chair of the Self Regional board of trustees, said in a statement. "The collaboration of these three partners will ultimately connect genetic therapeutics research to patients."

The gift is the third "significant development" between Clemson and the Greenwood Genetic Center, the partners said. In November the university created the Self Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Human Genetics, jointly funded by the Self Family Foundation and South Carolina.

Clemson said at the time that the endowed chair would enable it to expand upon the research capabilities of the Greenwood Genetic Center's J.C. Self Institute.

In June 2013, Clemson and the Greenwood Genetics Center said they planned to expand an existing genetics research center by adding 17,000 square-feet of new lab space.

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