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Analytik Jena Launches French Subsidiary

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Analytik Jena today announced that its French subsidiary has begun operations.

The subsidiary, Analytik Jena France, will offer products from the parent firm's Life Science and Analytical Instrumentation divisions, Analytik Jena said. The company's portfolio includes thermal cyclers, electrophoresis and blotting instruments, and platforms for biomolecular interaction analysis.

Analytik Jena, which is headquartered in Jena, Germany, also said that seminars, in-house training, and application work will be offered through the French subsidiary.

"France is one of the important European markets for analytical instrumentation technology and life science products," Analytik Jena CEO Klaus Berka said in a statement. "The establishment of the subsidiary allows us direct access to this market. It is our strategic objective to expand Analytik Jena's global sales network further."