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Acea, Vivo Biosciences Partner to Develop Assays for Roche's xCelligence System

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Acea Biosciences and Vivo Biosciences today announced a collaboration to further develop label-free and real-time cell-based assays for Roche's xCelligence System.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The xCelligence system was co-developed by Acea and Roche and marketed by Roche Applied Science. New assays will incorporate Vivo Biosciences' HuBiogel platform, a human-derived, natural, biomatrix system. The platform, Roche said in a statement, facilitates the growth, proliferation, and differentiation of primary cells, cancer cells, and stem cells in a 3D format and physiologically relevant environment that resembles the in vivo environment.

The xCelligence system is comprised of RTCA Instruments with specially fabricated microplates that contain microelectrodes "for real-time, dynamic monitoring of cell behavior under label-free conditions," Roche added.

In a statement, James P. O'Connell, CEO of San Diego-based Acea Biosciences, said that the new HuBiogel assays "will increase the application field for the xCelligence System in low- and high-throughput formats."