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AB Sciex, Leco to Co-market Metabolomics Solutions

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Leco and Danaher business AB Sciex today announced a co-marketing agreement to offer bundled liquid chromatography and gas chromatography, mass spectrometry-based solutions to metabolomics researchers.

According to the companies, the bundled solutions will provide researchers with "high speed, accurate mass capabilities with LC and GC, along with robust nominal mass GC/MS and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry." Metabolomics scientists often need both LC and GC separation capabilities for the comprehensive coverage of analytes in their biological systems, and as a result of deal announced today, "[r]esearchers will have at their disposal pairings of time-tested nominal mass systems as well as industry-leading high performance GC-TOF and LC-QTOF MS systems," Leco and AB Sciex said.

The bundled solutions will be available in North America and Europe.

"Bringing together leaders in GC/MS and LC/MS and facilitating the availability of our systems as complementary technologies helps ensure that metabolomics researchers can approach their work to obtain the very best data and information available," Jeffrey Patrick, director of marketed technologies for Leco, said in a statement. "Our leadership in GC/MS technologies is a perfect complement to the offerings of AB Sciex and puts the combined power of our product portfolios, expertise, services, and support to work for these researchers."

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

In October, Leco and the US Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory inked a deal to develop metabolomic applications and tools.