Aayushi Pratap

Articles Authored by Aayushi Pratap
Genetic Overlap Between Schizophrenia, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Uncovered by GWAS Analysis
Scientists found an overlap in genetic variants between schizophrenia and CVD risk factors by analyzing the results of multiple GWAS of people of European descent.
Genomic Epidemiology of Syphilis in England Reveals Sexual Networks, Drug Resistance Patterns
Investigators from the Wellcome Sanger Institute analyzed previously sequenced whole T. pallidum genomes from 237 syphilis patients to understand disease transmission.
Simulated Weightlessness Alters T Cell Gene Expression
Researchers saw transcriptional changes in T cells from healthy individuals exposed to space-like weightlessness, potentially explaining immunodeficiency in astronauts.
Study Finds Unique Molecular Profile of Human, Mice Skull Bone Marrow
German researchers who studied human and mouse skull, bone, and brain samples said that the findings could help better diagnose brain diseases.
New Mutations Identified in Common Childhood Brain Cancers Could Guide Personalized Treatments
In a study published in PNAS, Swedish researchers identified new mutations implicated in common pediatric cancers in the noncoding regions.
Skin Cancer Mutation Prevalence Higher in UK Subjects Than in Singaporean Samples
Researchers sequenced facial skin samples from Singaporean donors and compared their mutations with similar samples from UK donors.
In Healthy Newborn Study, Genome Sequencing IDs More Potential Early-Onset Diagnoses Than Panel Test
Researchers at Revvity (formerly PerkinElmer) found that genome sequencing picked up four times as many children at risk of pediatric-onset diseases than gene panel screening.
Refined Picture of Breast Cancer Clone Evolution Emerges from Phylogenetic Study
Researchers from Japan sequenced the genomes of cancer and non-cancer lesions from the same patients to map the evolution of breast cancer cells.
Whole-Exome Sequencing Study Reveals New Monogenetic Causes of Polymicrogyria
Harvard researchers used whole-exome sequencing to identify six novel genes linked to the commonly identified brain malformation condition polymicrogyria.
Genomic Analysis of Aspergillus Shows Prevalence of Drug-Resistant Fungal Infections in the UK
A citizen science-fueled study shows environmental fungicide-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus contributes to clinical drug-resistant aspergillosis infections in the UK.