The Vega sequencer, launched at last week's ASHG annual meeting, is aimed at researchers who desire to do HiFi long-read sequencing but previously could not afford the high-throughput Revio platform.
Problem Drinking Contributors Unearthed Using Mendelian Randomization Study
Researchers narrowed in on cortical proteins and brain cell type-related genes with apparent ties to alcohol use disorders using GWAS and post-mortem multiomic profiling.
The company offered more details on its "constellation" mapped read technology, Illumina Protein Prep assay, 5-base genome, PIPseq V single-cell assay, and paired 500-base MiSeq reads.
The research team looked at cell-free DNA fragmentation profiles across the genome combined with measurements of two key biomarkers to detect ovarian cancer.
Researchers from the federally funded sequencing project provided updates at the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting.